Social grant has been so much helpful since the day it was established. Many South Africans have been depending on it to meet basic needs and to run household errands. The social grant was put in place to help improve the standard of living in society, and it is given to people who are vulnerable to poverty, and are in need of state support.


The vulnerable people include disabled people, old aged people, and people with younger children. We have even seen it happen during the covid-19 pandemic, the government came up with an idea to give those who are unemployed, a social relieve grant. This grant is to help them cope during this difficult time.

In order to qualify for a social grant in South Africa, you must meet the following requirements.

1. Must be between the age of 18 and 59

2. Must have been found medically unfit for work, by a medical officer

3. Must be a South African citizen


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